Friday, September 19, 2008

Blog's 1st Day - Final thoughts

Okay, my previous posts were a bit pointed, but I felt a need to speak my mind on the bailout issue.

btw, I'm a supporter of a free market approach, and I'm a conservative at heart. I'm voting for McCain/Palin.

I believe in the trickle-down approach to economics in that the ONLY real tax is a tax on the taxpayer herself. Kinda deep, huh? Not really...I just believe that businesses pass on increased costs (higher taxes, etc.) to my mind, this is a real world approach.

Thanks to those of you who sent me an email today...pls dive in and provide comments on the blog!



Leila said...

It's refreshing to see someone who's not afraid of the truth - whether it's politically correct or not! Everyone in this country is allowed his/her opinions and has the freedom to express those opinions. Additionally, we shouldn't have to be afraid of personal attacks for voicing our opinions. We're better than that.

You have a great start, FMC! Keep it coming!

Artofreed said...

I was here and reading your post.