Saturday, October 11, 2008

Basic Requirements to be President

3 Things are Required to be President:

1) Minimum 35 years old
2) Must have resided in the United States for the past 14 years
3) Must have natural born citizenship status

Why isn't Obama presenting proof that shows he's a natural born citizen? My guess is that Obama does not currently have natural born citizenship status, or else he'd simply provide the documents...c'mon, this isn't rocket science.

This video sums it all up:

*Obama should have never screwed with Hillary (remember that Berg was one of Hillary's lawyers).

Does anybody wonder where the Clintons are right now? They're nowhere to be seen. They're likely sitting in the wings and waiting to witness all the carnage that's about to ensue for the Democrat party.

If the DNC nominated an ineligible candidate, roughly half of the country's voters will have been disenfranchised.



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