Friday, October 10, 2008


Obama’s ability to prove his citizenship is at the core of whether or not he’s eligible to be President of the United States.

The fact that Obama claims to have been born in Hawaii and has dual U.S./Kenyan citizenship may ultimately prove irrelevant to the eligibility argument. This is probably why the Obama camp recently made the dual citizenship info available to the public. It’s merely a distraction. Dual citizenship does NOT disqualify Obama for President…dual allegiance, lack of ‘natural born’ status, and/or age are some legitmate disqualifiers. As such, the dual U.S./Kenyan citizenship issue that has been brought up recently does not, by itself, disqualify Obama for the Presidency.

HOWEVER, if it is found that Obama was born in Kenya, he would simply not be eligible for President of the United States. Also, if Obama was an Indonesian citizen at ANY POINT in his life, he would NOT be eligible for President. Until 2007, Indonesia did not accept dual citizenship for their people. As such, U.S. policy did not recognize dual American/Indonesian citizenship either. The United States has historically mirrored the citizenship rules of the foreign country (in this case, Indonesia). Said another way, if someone before 2007 was an Indonesian citizen they could NOT also be an American citizen at the same time.

When Obama’s mother married an Indonesian man, that man adopted Obama at age five. Since Obama was only five years old, Indonesian law likely deemed Obama a ‘natural’ Indonesian citizen at that time. This fact seems to be supported by local school documents that cite Obama’s citizenship status as Indonesian.

Upon Obama’s return to the United States five years later at age 10, he could have either signed a Certificate of Citizenship upon his return, thus making him a ‘naturalized’ citizen (i.e., not a ‘natural born’ citizen, which is a requirement to be President); OR he could simply come back to the states and not file his citizenship paperwork at all (in which case he'd be an illegal alien)…currently, we don’t know which choice was made because Obama won’t tell us.

Let’s make an important point here…a ‘natural born’ citizen (i.e., a minimum requirement for President) means that you have NEVER ceased to be a citizen of the U.S. You could remain a natural born citizen if you maintained dual citizenship. However, Obama ceased being a ‘natural born’ citizen if & when he became an Indonesian citizen at any point.

Keep in mind that if it is proven that Obama was once an Indonesian citizen but later renounced his Indonesian citizenship (perhaps before running for Illinois Senate, let's say), I don't believe he would be stripped of his senator seat. Senators only have to be naturalized citizens…these yahoos don’t have to meet the higher standard of ‘natural born’ citizen that the President must meet. The founding fathers were very smart in doing this, as they did not want to risk electing a President that had dual allegiances with enemy countries.

Another thing that throws a wrench into the mix is that Obama traveled to Pakistan in 1981 when he was 20 years old. This was when Pakistan was on the Do-Not-Travel list of the U.S. State Department, making it very difficult to travel to Pakistan at that time on a U.S. passport. Sources have indicated that Obama perhaps traveled on his Indonesian passport during this time. If this is true, this is bad news for the Messiah. It would prove in another way that Obama was in fact an Indonesian citizen (i.e., you have to be Indonesian to have an Indonesian passport…duh). Obama should be asked: 'When you traveled to Pakistan, did you travel on a U.S. passport or Indonesian passport?' His answer to this question would determine his eligibility.


Bottom line: If it is proven that Obama was an Indonesian citizen at any point in his life, he would not maintain his ‘natural born’ status upon regaining U.S. citizenship and thus would not be eligible for President of the United States.

Hold on to your birth certificates!! The documents (or lack thereof) provided by Obama to the Penn. District Court will hopefully shed some new light on this situation. Things are going to get interesting in the next few weeks!


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