Monday, October 6, 2008

How Do Liberals Think? Part II

The leadership of the Democrat party is more agenda-driven than most of us can imagine. These thugs know exactly how to get what they want and what buttons to push to reach their goals. Just look at the housing crisis and the techniques employed by Congress and leftist organizations such as ACORN to increase the % of sub-prime loans on bank's portfolios. Deliberate attempts to force banks to offer more loans to low-income demographics was an agenda-driven strategy carried out by some on the far-left.

Increasing the number of sub-prime loans is exactly what Democrats Schumer, Dodd, Obama and Frank desired. The money that flowed into Fannie as a result of the explosion in the sub-prime market paved the way for huge bonuses for Fannie Mae executives, as well as larger campaign contributions for Democrats...again, all of this stemmed from an agenda-driven approach to provide low-income families with 'affordable housing' at the grass roots level.

If banks did not comply with quotas, they were threatened with litigation by thugs such as ACORN and yes, Barack Obama. Obama actually sued Citibank early in his career to push for more affirmative-action home loan policies...these are the same policies that led to the current economic crisis...Obama is the poster-child for these types of strong-arm tactics. To me, this entire strategy is like Robin Hood economics administered in gangster-like fashion.

Lets be clear...the Democratic Party of Kennedy is NOT the same Democrat Party of today. The Democrat party of today is a party of special interests. All you have to do is follow the money trail to realize this.

Far-left socialist liberal policies are ruining the fabric of America. If the trend toward liberal thought continues to grow in our country, we’ll see more American businesses move to places like Ireland where the corporate income tax rates are around 11%. If we continue to accept socialist tenets as mainstream public policy (the bailout is just a 1st step), an environment of more governmental intervention is inevitable.

If the Dems are allowed to increase the costs of doing business (higher taxes), how can we expect American businesses to magically increase their productivity? If you increase a manager's costs, they'll either 1) increase their prices if they can (not likely), or they'll 2) cut costs in other areas (jobs are usually the 1st thing to go). ECONOMIC GROWTH is needed to increase create economic growth by providing incentives in the marketplace. You simply cannot increase companies' taxes in a recession and expect to increase the rate of growth in the GDP. It doesn’t work.

In my view, the Dems are wishful thinkers...their policies don't work in the real world. They can get away with failed policies because they've 1) perfected the blame game in Washington; and 2) they have such a strong sense of denial that, in their minds, abdicates them from taking any responsibility for the results of their own actions. This second point can be traced back to the very core of a liberal's belief can NEVER question a liberal's motives and you can NEVER hold them accountable...they won't allow this to happen, at least in their own minds. This type of attitude was clearly on display on O’Reilly’s show last week when Barney Frank freaked out and would not accept any responsibility for the crisis. Liberals will NEVER take responsibility for their actions because they have no core belief system from which to judge themselves. Folks like this would rather talk about what the meaning of "is" is rather than accept responsibility for what they've done.

The moral compass of a far-left liberal (not necessarily a Reagan-Democrat) is always shifting...there's a consistent moving line of what's acceptable or all depends on the situation. I believe that this is the root cause of why so many liberals on the far left are so miserable in their personal lives...this moving line of what's right or wrong is entirely dependent on the moment at hand. This view of the world says that whatever is convenient for the situation (i.e., whatever supports the agenda) is what's right. Deep down many of these folks know something is wrong with this belief system...they know they're miserable, but they don't know WHY. These folks are the ones who need to read my blog.

Final Thoughts:
You've got to hand it to the Dems. The class warfare and entitlement message have served them well in the past and this tactic seems to be working again. The Dems are great at creating disasters, placing the blame on others, denying any responsibility, and claiming to be the solution to the problem. Seen it a hundred times...

To believe any of the left’s claims, you have to be either incredibly gullible or just misinformed. I suspect that most of the Reagan Democrat-types simply don't know all of the facts.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Dems were the first to point fingers when the economic crisis came to public light. It's not a far stretch of the imagination to think they were simply going on the offensive, shifting blame anywhere but themselves. Someone is going to take the fall for the crisis and you can bet it won't be Frank, Schumer, Dodd, Obama, Pelosi or any of the other Dem Elite. I heard someone use the metaphor that we are letting the fox guard the hen house. Not real bright.

Of course, the Dems don't think they're doing anything wrong. I think FMC hit the nail on the head. Some in this country have no principals upon which to base right and wrong. How can we as good Christians possibally consider voting for Obama? We still have to hold our noses to vote for McCain. God help us (US).