Monday, October 6, 2008

How Do Liberals Think? Part I

Part of the liberal mindset dictates that 1) results aren’t important; and 2) a liberal's motives should never be questioned, period.

Regarding the 1st point, 'Results Aren’t Important'…we can clearly see the dire economic results of the Democrat’s failed affordable-housing program…the country’s economy is now on the brink of disaster. However, these results apparently don’t matter to Democrats…in their mind, all of the current economic failures are someone else’s fault…anyone presented with the facts knows otherwise.

Regarding the 2nd point, 'Motives Should Never be Questioned'…have you noticed that whenever Obama is questioned in any way whatsoever, the questioner is viciously attacked, sometimes even accused of being a racist? An AP reporter accused Governor Palin of being a racist a couple of days've got be kidding me. Bottom line: you simply cannot question a liberal’s motives without these folks completely freaking out...

When you think about it, a far-left liberal’s motives change like the wind…in their mind, this ‘flexibility’ is part of what makes their thinking ‘progressive’…a liberal does not understand or embrace the concept of principle-centered decision-making. Anything principle-centered is too restrictive for these folks. Liberals believe that their own beliefs and values are continually such, it becomes easier for them to shift their positions, shift blame, shift reasoning, and shift public policy to support the popular belief of the day or to support their underlying social agenda. In using this flexible approach, liberals honestly believe they’re being ‘objective’ and that their ‘progressive’ outlook on life somehow ‘advances the human race’. Realizing that a liberal views his or herself as objective provides some insight into the liberal way of thinking.

Liberals prefer to develop belief systems based on wishful social theories rather than economic realities. I believe that liberals view the world in this way because it's 1) more gratifying for them on an intellectual level to develop social theories of what America could be; and 2) they believe in their hearts that they're doing society a favor in implementing these social programs (remember, a Liberal's actions are often narrowly focused & primarily agenda-driven...these folks do NOT take into account the potential negative effects of their actions). As we're now seeing, the taxpayers who will be hurt by the 'affordable housing' program seem far less important to the left.

The Dems care about keeping their constituents happy, which means supporting specific agendas. Why else would Dems have attempted to funnel $20 billion of the orginal $700 billion bailot package to ACORN, an activist group found guilty of voter fraud? Appeasing groups like ACORN got us into this economic mess in the first place(remember that ACORN strong-armed banks to offer more sub-prime loans). When you're dealing with die-hard liberals, you have to realize that it's all about social action and social justice (i.e., agendas & bullying). What the libs don't tell you is that in their 'Ideal Utopia', all Americans will have to pay higher taxes to make this vision a reality.

It’s pretty sad when you think about how a die-hard leftist liberal views the world. They’re beliefs are always in flux…there's no core from which to base decisions. It must be a miserable existence emotionally for many people who view the world in this fashion. From Obama, we've heard what a horrible country America is...of course, he has cut back the rhetoric, but this is the exact same type of message that Reverend Wright has espoused from the beginning. From my perspective, it’s next to impossible to reason with someone who views the world in such an extreme manner. I realize that not all Democrats are like Obama...many honest, hardworking Democrats are simply being misled as to what their party truly represents.

Let's face it...the Dem platform is based on a 'Hate Bush' message. It's sad that this is apparently the type of representative leadership most Americans are looking for...only a person filled with a certain degree of hate could view our nation in such a way.

PLEASE don't vote for do so would simply be rewarding the behavior and ideology that led to the current economic crisis.


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